How to be successful on The Medium

Sumit Rajput
3 min readApr 18, 2022

Let’s start this article by stating an important fact — people are now spending more time on social media than ever before. This platform has made it possible for anyone to get published and get their words in front of millions of people.

How to be successful on Medium platform
How to be successful on Medium platform

There are, however, a lot of disbelievers who think that all those who are publishing their work on this platform have no idea how to be successful. Here’s the answer — success is about good content and consistently posting new content on your channel.

Many people have tried to make money on medium and have failed. The reasons for this failure could be because they did not understand the nature of the platform or that they were not able to take advantage of certain opportunities on the platform.

1) Follow other successful content creators: Having a good understanding of what successful content creators do is a must before trying to make money on medium. Look at their various strategies, their publishing frequency, and what time zone they post in. This will help you establish your own strategy on the platform without feeling overwhelmed by the sheer number of people who are doing well.

2) Follow the trends: It’s important for content creators to keep an eye out for current trends and themes that are being discussed on medium, as well as emerging ones.

As the world has evolved to the digital age, people are now shifting to online platforms like blogging and creating YouTube videos. There is a significant amount of money that can be made on these platforms by writing stories. Medium is one of the most popular online platforms and it’s growing faster than ever before. It’s easy to make money on this platform as there are a lot of opportunities for content creators.

If you are interested in making money on medium platform, there are some strategies that can help you in your journey. Here are some of the strategies that can help boost your income -

1. Create content with a unique angle and niche

2. Be honest and authentic

3. Offer compelling value to users by helping them solve their problems

Writing on the internet should not be viewed as an opportunity to write for free. It is a chance to build a reputation and business. There are certain topics that will make you much more successful in marketing your writing skills on the internet.

It is important for anyone looking to publish content on Medium or any other platform, to think of a topic that has a good number of followers who are active and interested in it. You should target people who are actively online and are trying to learn something new or improve themselves in their area of interest but not just those who watch Netflix all day long.

In order to make money on a platform like Medium, you need to have a large following. To begin with, it would be advisable to write what your audience wants and what they need.

There is no right or wrong way of doing this. You just need to know your audience and what they want from you for them to follow you. When it comes to writing for Medium, the first thing that should be questioned is why? If you don’t have time or interest in being prolific on the platform, then there are other platforms that will be more suitable for your needs.

There are some tricks that might help you get as much money out of your blog.

First, write less. This means creating shorter pieces because shorter pieces typically get more shares and bring in more views. Moreover, if you are writing too much on the same topic then it is time for a change of topics and a new article.

Secondly, try to focus on one topic rather than many topics at the same time because this will enable your work to be seen by more people and allow you to earn higher revenues through advertisements.

The key is having enough content, which can be obtained through planning ahead and taking regular breaks from writing so that your creativity is not depleted by the workload.



Sumit Rajput

I Write about — Books, Social media, making money online, Quora, Helping freelancers, Health, Finance, My country India, current affairs, My life & Skills.